Trombinoscope des enseignants
- 2011: PhD in Management Sciences from Toulouse School of Management: (France)
Dissertation : «Déterminants politico-institutionnels et socioculturels du chiffre d’affaires des cabinets d’audit et d’expertise comptable en France », supervised by the Pr. Michèle Saboly and held in june 2011 at Toulouse School of Management (France)
- 2006 – 2007 : Toulouse School of Management: Degree of Master 2 Research in Accounting , Control and Audit With Highest Honors
- 2004 – 2006 : Higher Institute of Management : Degree of Master 2 Research in Accounting and Information Systems
- 2002 – 2004 : Higher Institute of Management : Master 1 degree in Accounting Sciences
- 2000 – 2002 : Higher Institute of Management : L2 in Accounting Sciences
- From 2021 : Associate Professor at SCBS Troyes (Yschools)
- 2013-2020 : Permanent Professor at SCBS Troyes ( YSchools ex Groupe ESC Troyes)
- 2011-2013 : Temporary Research Associate (ATER) at the CNAM in Paris
- 2007-2011 : Temporary Research Associate (Allocataire moniteur de recherche) at Toulouse School of Management (full-time)
Antecedents of firm performance (financial and innovative performance) : accounting firms practices, open innovation practices, entrepreneurial motivation, entrepreneurial competencies
- ICSB Best European Paper Awards (June 2018), in Taipei, Taiwan: the article was published in Journal of Business Research in 2019
- Doctoral fellowship (allocation de recherche) during from 2007 to 2011
- Articles published in international reviews
[1] Saidi, S., Grama-Vigouroux, S., Sellami, M., Cirule, I., & Uvarova, I. (2023), « How do student entrepreneurs use open innovation and incubation services to improve the performance of university-incubated startups? », Management International, (ABS, cat 3)
[2] Grama-Vigouroux, S., Saidi, S., Uvarova, I., Cirule, I., & Sellami, M. (2023), «Drivers and Barriers of National Innovation Ecosystems for Implementing Sustainable Development Goals: A Latvian Case Study », IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (ABS, cat 3).
[3] Ben Cheikh N., Ben Zaied Y., Sellami M, Saidi S. (2022), « Asymmetric Volatility Contagion and Investment Opportunities in the GCC region: New Evidence from the Global Pandemic Context Corresponding », Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (ABS, cat 3).
[4] Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Berthinier-Poncet A., Lwang A., Sellami M. (2022), « The Influence of Entrepreneurial Ecosystems on Innovation Ecosystems in Peripheral Regions: The Case of the Champagne Ardennes Region », Industry & Innovation (ABS, cat 3).
[5] Vedel B., Gabarret I., Sellami M., Saidi S. (2021), « Comprendre la croissance des nouvelles entreprises : la complexe relation entre capital humain, chômage et motivation », Management International, Vol. 25, (ABS, cat 3).
[6] Cazabat G., Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Sellami M. (2020), « Microcrédit en France : Femmes et hommes face à la solvabilité. », Management & Avenir, n°115 (ABS, cat 2).
[7] Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Berthinier-Poncet A., Vanhaverbeke W., Madanamoothoo A. (2020), « From closed to open: A comparative stakeholder approach for developing open innovation activities in SMEs », Journal of Business Research, Vol. 119 (ABS, cat 3).
[8] Chebbi H., Sellami M., Saidi S. (2018), « Etude bibliométrique des travaux sur l’Orientation Entrepreneuriale (2001-2016) : Enseignements et voies futures de recherches », Revue Internationale PME, n°1, Vol. 31, (ABS, cat 2).
[9] Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S., et Saidi S. (2017), « Convergences ou divergences de vues ? L’effet des différences de perception entre gouvernance et entreprises d’un technopôle sur le soutien de l’innovation », Management International, n°2, Vol. 21, (ABS, cat 3).
[10] Saidi S., Levy A., Sellami M. et Massiera P. (2013), « Communication des cabinets d’audit et d’expertise comptable pour optimiser le chiffre d’affaires », La revue du Financier, n° 202, Vol. 35, (Fnege, cat 4).
- Books and book chapters
[1] Anne Berthinier-Poncet, Simona Grama & Sana Saïdi (2018), “Open Innovation Pratices of Clustered SMEs: The Intermediate Role of Cluster Governance” in Researching Open Innovation in SMEs sous la Direction de Wim Vanhaverbeke, Federico Frattina, Nadine Roijakkers & Muhammad Usman, Word Scientific Publishing Co.
[2] Saidi S. (2012) « Dispenses d’épreuves du DCG ou DSGC », dans Abécédaire de la formation, rédigé sous la direction d’Alain Burlaud, édité par le Conseil Supérieur de l’Ordre des Experts-Comptables
- Refereed conferences
- Ben Cheikh N., Ben Zaied Y., Saidi S., Sellami M. (2021), « Asymmetric Volatility Contagion and Investment Opportunities in the GCC region: New Evidence from the Global Pandemic Context”, online conference Financial Economic Meeting: Post crisis challenges, organized by EDC Paris Business School (01-02 July 2021)
- Boughattas Y. Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S. (2021), « Entrepreneurial Competencies: Developing actionable knowledge for practice and theory », ACERE Conference
- Cazabat G., Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Sellami M. (2019), « Factors influencing the solvency of men and women in French Microfinance Institutions», The case of Initiative France», the 6th TSFS International Conference, held on 14-15 December, Sousse, Tunisie
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S., Saidi S., Lwango A. et Sellami M. (2019), « Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Peripheral Regions », Global Entrepreneurship & Business Management Summit, Toronto, Canada, 10 & 11 April 2019
- Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Berthinier-Poncet A., Vanhaverbeke W., Madanamoothoo A. (2019), From Closed to Open: A Comparative Stakeholder Approach for Developing Open Innovation Activities in SMEs », USASBE 2019, St. Pete Beach, Florida, held on January 23 – 27.
- Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Sellami M., Cazabat G. (2019), « Factors influencing the solvency of men and women in French Microfinance Institutions. The case of Initiative France», ICSB, Cairo, Egypt, held on June 18-21, 2019
- Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Berthinier-Poncet A., Vanhaverbeke W., Madanamoothoo A. (2019), From Closed to Open: A Comparative Stakeholder Approach for Developing Open Innovation Activities in SMEs », ICSB, Cairo, Egypt, held on June 18-21.
- Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Sellami M., Cazabat G. (2019), « La solvabilité dans les institutions de microfinance dépend-elle du genre ? », 11ème congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation, du 3 au 5 juin à Montpellier
- Grama-Vigouroux S., Saidi S., Berthinier-Poncet A., Vanhaverbeke W., Madanamoothoo A. (2018), « How to switch from an opportunistic to a more systematic OI model? The case of a French industrial SME», ICSB Taipei, Taïwan 26-29 juin 2018, Best paper of Europe
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Saidi S., Grama-Vigouroux (2018), « Systemising an open innovation process in a French industrial SME», R&D Management, Milan, Italie, 4-7 juillet 2018
- Anne Berthinier-Poncet, Simona Grama & Sana Saidi (2017), « Perceptual differences between SMEs and cluster governance. What impact on the open innovation activities of SMEs in a French technopole? », ICSB, Buenos Aires, Argentine, du 27 juin au 1er juillet
- Cirule I., Grama-Vigouroux S. & Saidi S. (2017), « How open innovation activities and open innovation competencies impact on value creation? The case of Latvian University Business Incubator», ICSB, Buenos Aires, Argentine, 27 juin au 1er juillet
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S. et Saidi S. (2016), « Patterns of Open Innovation in Clustered SMEs. The case study of a French technopole », the 7th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM-2016) to be held on 11-12 July 2016 in Nice (France).
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S. et Saidi S. (2016), « Patterns of Open Innovation in Clustered SMEs. The case study of a French technopole », RnD to be held on 3-6 July 2016 Cambridge (United Kingdom).
- Chebbi H., Sellami M., Saidi S. (2016), « Etude bibliométrique sur l’Orientation Entrepreneuriale (2001-2013) : Enseignements et voies futures de recherches », Congrès International Francophone en Entrepreneuriat et PME, 26-28 octobre, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières.
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S. et Saidi S. (2015), « Perceptual distance between firms and governance of a technopole. What impact on innovation ? », R&D Management Conference, 23-26 June, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy.
- Gabarret I., Vedel B., Saidi S. et Sellami M. (2015), « Au-delà de la dichotomie « nécessité/opportunité»…La complexité de la motivation entrepreneuriale et sa relation avec la croissance des entreprises», Congrès International sur les Etudes sur le Travail et l’Emploi (CIETE), Québec, du 31 mai au 3 juin.
- Berthinier-Poncet A., Grama S. et Saidi S. (2015), « Distance perceptuelle entre entreprises et gouvernance d’une technopole. Une recherche exploratoire sur les pratiques institutionnelles d’innovation », 9ième Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et l’innovation (AEI), 20-22 mai, Nantes.
- Gabarret I., Vedel B., Saidi S. et Sellami M. (2015), «La complexité de la motivation entrepreneuriale et sa relation avec la croissance des entreprises», 9ième Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et l’innovation (AEI), 20-22 mai, Nantes.
- Saidi S. (2014) « Les conséquences des pratiques de communication publicitaire des cabinets d’audit et d’expertise comptable », 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), 7-8 Juillet, Nice.
- Sellami M., Saidi S. (2014), « L’adoption des normes IFRS par les entreprises françaises réduit-elle les manipulations managériales », 5th International Research Meeting in Business and Management (IRMBAM), 7-8 Juillet, Nice.
Managerial accounting, Cost management, Financial accounting, International accounting, consolidation, research methodology
- TEACHING EXPERIENCE in Foreign countries
– International Accounting (GBM 2, French Track, International School of Management and Entrepreneurship as Member of the ESC Troyes Group, Yaoundé, Cameroon).
Teaching affiliation: Member of the educational innovation laboratory of SCBS
- Teaching methods: HS Talks, inverted class, case studies
Teaching experience for Master programs
– Accounting and financial Diagnostic (M 1, French Track, Toulouse School of Management)
– Intermediate Financial Accounting (PGE 2, English and French track, SCBS Troyes)
– International Accounting Standards IAS/IFRS (M1, French Track, EDC Paris Business School)
– Research methodology (PGE 3, English Track, SCBS Troyes)
Teaching experience for Bachelor programs
– Financial Management, Cost Management (L3, French Track, Toulouse School of Management)
– Managerial accounting (L3, French Track, Toulouse School of Management)
– Financial accounting and Control system (L3, Toulouse School of Management)
– Introduction to financial accounting (L1, French Track, EDC Paris Business School)
– Financial Analysis (BBA3, French track, SCBS Troyes)
– Financial Mathematics (BBA2, French track, SCBS Troyes)
– Intermediate Financial Accounting (PGE 1, BBA3, English and French track, SCBS Troyes)
– Research methodology (BBA3, English and French Track, SCBS Troyes)
– International Accounting (BBA 3, French Track, SCBS Troyes)
– Business game (BBA3, SCBS Troyes)
– Research methodology (BBA3, English and French Track, SCBS Troyes)
– Financial Accounting (L2, French Track, EDC Paris Business School)
Teaching experience for continuing education programs
– Consolidation (CFA 127-128, CNAM Paris)
– Financial Accounting (CFA101-CFA102, CNAM Paris)
– Advanced Accounting (CFA129, CNAM Paris)
Temporary Research Associate Professor (ATER) at Toulouse School of Management (full-time) during three years with a certification from CIES, Toulouse (in France).
Temporary Research Associate Professor (allocataire-moniteur de recherche) at Toulouse School of Management (full-time) during three years with a certification from CIES, Toulouse (in France).
– Advisor for graduate students with accounting and financial orientation – Supervision of internship dissertations from 2013
– Advisor for undergraduate students with a cross-disciplinary orientation from 2013
– Monitor of professional students (alternates) for companies and at school
– Advisor of professional students (alternates) for their dissertation
– Participation in the board of Business Game
– Participation in SCBS « Open Days » from 2013
– Participation in research workshops
– Member of the “Grand Oral” jury at Toulouse School of Management (level M2)
– Participation in higher education fairs and exhibitions
– Students’ selection for graduate and undergraduate programs of SCBS from 2014
– Participation in interviews’ simulation for students’ selection in different preparatory schools from 2013
– Coordination of research and doctoral workshops of the Accounting, Control department, Toulouse School of Management (52 teacher-researchers)
– Member of the workshop « Valorization of workshops project » in the CIES Midi-Pyrénées (182 recipients of research monitors)